Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tell Me Tuesdays, Chapter 4

It's another Tuesday and time to share another tidbit of my life with you.

Hi, my name is Tracey and I am a scrapbooker.

Little did I know what a hobby obsession I had started when I innocently began putting pictures of my newborn son on pastel colored paper pages in a baby book 6 years ago.

And, let me tell you... scrapbooks can be addictive.

Once you make one, you will want to make more.

Then, the more you make, equals the more items you will want to put on the pages for decoration and detail, equals the more money you will spend.

But heck, you are artistically documenting your family memories, so what's a few hundred dollars here and there, right?!

Honestly, I really can't give you an exact amount as to how much I have spent on my scrapbooking, but I can tell you exactly how much fun and even relaxing (yes, relaxing) it has been to be able to do this over the years.

Oh, and my family loves to see the finished pages/scrapbooks, and of course, I like to show off my "books" to anyone who wants to see them too.

Speaking of scrapbooks...I just remembered...I FORGOT to get a picture of my son's teacher on his first day of first grade! Hmmm, think she'll mind if I ask her to wear the same exact outfit she wore yesterday? I mean, after all, I am preserving family memories...LOL!

What about you? Do you have a favorite hobby? It's Tell Me Tuesdays so let me know. I'd love to hear what you like to do.


Unknown said...

One year I had a mother of a student in my class tell me that her son described in detail what I wore to school the first day. He was convinced that I would wear that same "uniform" everyday. Maybe you'll luck out and have R.J.'s teacher subscribe to that "uniform" style of teacher dressing :) I'm glad R.J.'s off to a happy start. I knew he would be, he's so smart! I Love You, Aunt Liz

maddie/cadesmimi said...

I love to scrapbook, too. I have so much scrapbooking stuff piled around that I have taken over my hubby's pool room...the table makes a great place to spread my pics! I love your blog...Kathy

Ali Garrett said...

I would love to see some of your scrapbooks!

I don't really have any hobbies to speak of. I love to read. Love it! I read very fast, and my husband and family always laugh about how many books I read in a week. I read during commercials on TV, at the gym, anytime I can squeeze it in. And, I get so consumed with the book that I wonder what the people in the book are doing when I'm not reading them. Is that crazy? One time I even started praying for a girl in the book and then realized she was a fictional character and cut the prayer short. I'm sure God got a kick out of that!