Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Big Brother Stats

After age 5, well check-ups are done every two years with our pediatrician.

At age 7, R.J. was 4 feet 6 inches tall and weighed 70 lbs.
He recently just had his 9 year old well check-up, and the doctor predicted he will probably be 6 feet 4 inches tall.

My sweet 6 lb. 11 oz. (20 inches long) "baby" - -
He is growing up way too quickly in his mommy's eyes!

I about fell off the chair when she said that! 

6’4” - - WHAT?!!!

Actually, I don’t know why that surprised me since from about 1 month old, and every check-up thereafter, he’s consistently been in the 95th percentile (or completely off the charts) for height.

And especially moreover, given the fact that the nurse only minutes earlier told me that his current height is 5 feet tall.

Heck, that’s only 4 inches shorter than me and he’s only going into the 4th grade this year!!!

Now, I really wish I could tell you that I was only 35 pounds heavier than him too, but that would be a total lie…LOL! 

Yep, he currently weighs in at 88.4 pounds with nary a lick of fat on him!

Healthy as a horse and growing like a weed…two very good clichés to be!