Monday, November 2, 2009

I'll Get Through This

Tomorrow is the big day...our first ultrasound.

I should be ecstatic, but that is not the word to describe how I am feeling for sure.

You see, when I had my first miscarriage, we went for our first ultrasound and I was measuring almost two weeks behind (not good). We waited another two weeks and when we went back for that ultrasound, we had a heartbeat...praise God. However, that very same evening, I started to cramp and spot and withing 24 hours I went from being overjoyed at the doctor's office to being in an emergency room miscarrying our child and having a D & C.

With my second miscarriage, we went for our first ultrasound and we saw a heartbeat immediately and measured only 2 days off (no big deal). We felt a sigh of relief and thought this was going to be totally different...everything was going to be okay. I rocked along for another 3 weeks with no visible problems, no spotting, no cramping, etc. Then the day came for our follow-up ultrasound and there it was...NO HEARTBEAT. We lost this baby too. Needless to say, we were completely devastated and spent New Year's Eve day in a surgical center as I underwent my second D & C in less than 4 months.

And so now, here I am just one day away from my first ultrasound with this pregnancy, and instead of feeling giddy and anticipatory, I am feeling anxious and worried. Will there be a heartbeat? Will I measure on track? Will I spot and miscarry after having the ultrasound done?

Questions I know cannot be answered since the future of this babe inside my womb has already been determined, but as a human I am weak and so I question.

What I do know is that I will get through fear, my worry, my doubts, my questioning. Because deep down I know that the Lord will carry me through just has He has done in the past and just as He continues to do now and will forever more!


Lisa Woodard said...

Will keep my fingers crossed for you tomorrow.


Tracey, I have thought of you and am so very sorry for your losses. I pray for you and this blessing. I think of you often... I am always here.