Thursday, November 19, 2009

Did You Hear?

Tracey is taking a bloggy break for about 10 days and this picture should give you a great big hint as to where she'll be!

Yep, you guessed it folks...we are headed to Disney World.

Now, let me just tell you that when we planned this trip, I joked around with my husband and said, "After trying to conceive for almost another whole year, watch me get pregnant now that we've planned this trip."

Well, slap me silly and call my clairvoyant!

Who would have thunk it?!

So there you have it, we are Florida bound and pregnant.

My doctor was not too thrilled that we are going on this trip right now, but we have non-refundable plane tickets, non-refundable Disney tickets and non-refundable accommodations so cancelling this vacation was totally out of the question.

Plus, my son will be celebrating his birthday while we are there and to say he is excited about going is an understatement!

On the flip side, my doctor did say that if something was to happen (God forbid), it would happen whether I was in Alabama or not and I just need to listen to my body, take breaks when I need to and not do anything stupid.

C'mon doc, after it has taken us so long to get here, do you really think I'm going to be riding the Tower of Terror or the Rock 'N' Roller coaster?

Ah, that would be NO!

Seriously though, I do appreciate his concern and I would be lying if I told you I wasn't just a wee little bit on edge, but I know I'm not the first woman to go to Disney World pregnant and I certainly won't be the last. Besides, my son is at the age where he can go on all the rides with my husband that I won't be able to do this time around.

Oh, and my husband has already got it in his mind that I'm going to be riding around the parks in an electronic chair just to be on the safe side...LOL!

So my sweet blogger friends, don't be worried when you don't see any posts for about a week or so, just close your eyes and picture this grown woman wearing Mickey Mouse ears and cruising around Cinderella's castle in an ECV (Electric Convenience Vehicle).

Talk to you all soon!

Oh, one more thing before I go...if any of you have been to Disney while pregnant and have any advice and/or suggestions to pass along, please do. I would welcome your input!

P.S. Please remember to keep me and this babe in your prayers while I am away. It would mean so much to me! Thanks!



Tracey, I will miss you. Have a great trip. I know you will take it easy and I would love to see pics of that chair LOL. Or at least you sitting taking lots of breaks. Have fun... Look forward to hearing from you when you return. Blessings, Audrey

Lorrie S said...

Hey my good friend,

I know you're in FL right now (we've spoken every day since you left lol) but I wanted to post that I love you and can't wait til you come back safe and sound.

I hope RJ had the BESTEST birthday ever!!! That cutie patootie!! hehe
