Monday, November 16, 2009

A Good Day

Today was another good day at the doctor's office, and I cannot sing enough praises to our Lord for his goodness and mercy. I know that He is guiding me and this babe every single step of the way.

Okay, so we're not quite sure if Little Speck is going to be a body builder or a ballerina, but what we do know is that he/she is still growing strong!

Here is the latest ultrasound picture. Our precious baby is measuring 7 weeks 5 days.

I go back in two more weeks and at that time the doctor is going to try and listen for the heartbeat on doppler.

If we can't pick up the heartbeat on the doppler at that time (since I'll only be at just about 10 weeks) then I'll get another ultrasound to gauge heartbeat and another look at Little Speck...and you know I will never will get tired of that ;0)

In the meantime, it looks like all is well and what a relief that is!


Sarah McM said...

These are my favorite type of posts, Tracey. Keep em coming!

-clevergirl said...

Wonderful news! What a beautiful baby you have there!

maddie/cadesmimi said...

Love to read those positive posts! Wow, it's hard to believe it's almost been 8 weeks already! Blessings to you and your family! Kathy

brandy ross said...

Yeah I am so happy to hear things went well!

Lorrie S said...

YES my dear, God is good!!!

My little neice/nephew is growing strong!!! :D
