Friday, October 2, 2009


I had my CD 11 ultrasound today.

I was curious to see what it was going to hold in store for me because it was my first time taking injectables.

And the verdict, not too bad, and nothing great either.

I had five egg follicles. Three on my left and two on my right. The sizes were 22mm, 19mm, 17mm, and two 11mm.

My E2 bloodwork was 637.

So it seems as if I've got at least two mature follies in there.

I am to trigger tomorrow and my IUI is scheduled for Monday.

Wish I could tell you that I am jumping for joy, but honestly, I am not.

Maybe I am just protecting myself from yet another future heartbreak.

Only time will tell, and of course I'll be right back here letting you all know what the outcome is.

Have a great weekend and God Bless!

P.S. On another note, my friend Lorrie did her 2nd IVF today. They transferred five beautiful embies. Please, please say a prayer for her and ask the Lord's blessings as she begins her wait to see if she will FINALLY become a mommy.

1 comment:

Lorrie S said...

Tracey! E2 = 637??? You got 3 mature honey! It's 200 per mature egg I was told.

I will be keeping you in my thoughts & prayers. We've always talked about being 'knocked up' at the same time right??? Well don't despair! This would be so ironic if it did happen for us this month, without us 'really' trying....KWIM???

I love you!

Thanks so much for posting about me too on your update today.

Prayers are the answers!

xox Lorrie