Friday, October 23, 2009

Not As Good As I Hoped For

Well, just got my 3rd Beta results back and it's the one highlighted in yellow.

(12 DPO) - Beta#1 - 39 / Prog: 41.5
(16 DPO) - Beta#2 - 299 / Prog: 51.7
(19 DPO) - Beta#3 - 607 / Prog: 48.0

My first doubling time was 32.67 hrs and this doubling time was 70.48 hrs.

If you recall, bloodwork numbers are supposed to double in 48 hours and mine has taken longer than that to do so.

Actually I did read where it says the numbers typically double within 48 hrs to 72 hrs so that makes me feel the eeeensiest teeeensiest bit better.

The doctor does not seem overly concerned at this point, but given my miscarriage history, this has me more than upset.

I go back in a week for another beta.

Please, please, please keep me in your prayers.

I need prayers like I've never needed them before...mainly for peace of mind and not to worry.


Simply Sierra said...

Praying for you!


Tracey, I will keep you and your blessing in my prayers. Your numbers sound good to me.
I will be thinking of you and pray for your peace and a perfect pregnancy. I worry each time I conceive too. How many Betas does your Dr. suggest you get?
Praying for a great update soon. Sounds like you have a great Dr. and he is doing all the necessary testing for you. Blessings,

Kathy said...

Hi, relax and just leave it in God's hands. I know it's hard, but He is in control. I will be praying for you. God bless, Kathy