Thursday, October 15, 2009

OOOPS! I Dreaded Too Soon...

Well I don't think my test tomorrow is going to be a bad thing after all...


I am a basket of tears and nerves and fear and joy and I don't know what else?!

Why did I test tonight?

I absolutely have no reason to offer other than I realized I hadn't peed since about 1:00 PM this afternoon and at 6:00 PM when I got home I had to pee really, really bad and I thought's going to be a BFN (Big Fat Negative) anyway.

Was I ever blown away to see these two lines. Honestly, my temperature chart is so different this time around and my temp dropped even further this morning so I totally thought it was over for me.

And as you probably already know, I even blogged about me dreading tomorrow and testing so OBVIOUSLY...LOL!

Anyway, I have already spoken with my nurse and I will go in tomorrow for bloodwork (called a Beta), and I guess we'll see how it goes from there my friends.

What a wonderful irony that on the day that is set aside to remember miscarriages and infant loss, I am blessed with this news all the while cherishing the babies I have lost.

God is so good!


Lorrie S said...

I am truly, truly, truly happy for you my friend!!! I am beyond relieved for you, you have waited for this day to happen again for so so long after your terrible losses.

I love you!!!

This will be it girl! xox


Shop with Me Mama said...

I am sooo happy for you Mama!!! Congratulations and yes, what a wonderful day to get a BFP on!! I am testing in a week!


Tracey, Congratulations on your BFP. I am so happy for you... Will you do the blood draw tomorrow and then again two days later? I always have to do the repeat Betas. Can't wait for an update. Did you get my email? Blessings My Friend, and Congratulations again, You deserve this... Audrey

Ali Garrett said...

Yay!!! I'm so happy for you!


Tracey, I came by for an update. Can't wait to hear your good news. Prayers are with you. Audrey

DivineM said...

So happy for you! Sending sticky baby vibes!!