Thursday, September 10, 2009

Got Any...

Now I'm not usually one to be at a loss for words let alone a blogging topic, but I got to thinking that I tell you stuff (that is, the stuff I decide I want to tell you about) all the time.

But, wait. There might be some things you want to know about me that I haven't already shared.

So here's your chance.

Yes that's you oh, blog lurker who never comments. I really AM talking to you here...LOL!

Ask me anything you want. I will compile a list of the questions and my answers and post them here for all to see.

Of course, those who never comment...that means that you will have to post your questions in the comment section.

Okay, okay, if you don't want to do that and you'd feel more comfortable by e-mailing me your question. I do have an e-mail button on my side bar...HINT!

So there you have it...You ask it and I will answer. Sort of like, "If you build it, they will come."

I have always loved that Field of Dreams movie...probably more because of Kevin Costner than the often-quoted saying though (LOL!)


Angela said...

Just wanted to say good luck this cycle and we are right in sync! I'm 8dpo today! Getting ready to get the sticks out ;) Oh and I do have a question: Do you work? If so, what do you do (generally)?


If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

If you could live anywhere you wanted, Where would it be?

How did you meet your hubby?

Do you have any pets?

Do you collect anything?

What is your hobby?


Tracey, I just read your touching post about your hubby being gone and about your son. You are such an awesome lady. I pray that you conceive very soon and I Thank You for letting me be a part of your journey. That made me think of another question...

Did you always know (Even as a child) that you wanted to be a Wife and Mother?

You are awesome at both:) Blessings,