Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hi, Ho, Hi, Ho, Back To The Doc We Go!

No lie, Colton has been back and forth to the doctor's office about a bizillion times since late November/early December.

We have been battling ear infection after ear infection, breathing issues, and various degrees of cold sickness ever since he started daycare.

Don't get me wrong, I am not dissing daycare.

In fact, the daycare Colton attends is wonderful and the people are great.

It's just that...well, you know, it's daycare.

Need I say more?


Anyway, last Friday, guess where we were?

Yep, you betcha!

The good ole' doctor's office.

Seriously, I think that with one more doctor's visit my medical expense
flexible spending account coordinator is going to send me a taunting e-mail.

"Yoo hoo, just thought you had deducted enough for the year?!
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!"

But hey, that's nothing compared to what my sweet little boy is thinking...

Am I back here again?!

And just what is it with all this paper?

There's just sooooo much of it!

HELP! It's trying to gobble me up!

I'll show you Mr. Paper...You are absolutely no match when it comes to my mighty mini ripping hands!

Hmmm, I wonder if I can try out my Origami skills with this stuff?

What? You think I'm too young to know Origami?

Well, c'mon now Mom.
Whaddya' think I was going to do while waiting on the doctor, just sit here?!


Lisa Woodard said...

He is so cute! He looks happy even if he is in the doctor's office!

Lorrie S said...

Colton!!!! Dr's again???? Sorry about that sweet babyboy! xx

He is just so adorable Tracey I can't stand it!!! hehe Love the pics and cute descriptions! You are a hoot gf!

Love ya!

Kisses to Colton! xox

Aunt Lorrie