Tuesday, January 12, 2010

When The Word POSITIVE Does Not Necessarily Equal Good Pregnancy News

I got another call today from Birmingham, AL...you know, that's where the Maternal Fetal Center is located where I did the NT Scan a few weeks ago. I posted about it here and here.

Well, this time, I did not get the same cheerful, "You are Screen Negative" phone call.

Nope, today I got this..."Tracey, we have the results back from your quad blood screen, and combined with your NT Scan results, and your age, you have tested SCREEN POSITIVE."

Gulp, okay Miss Genetic Counselor what exactly does that mean? Oh, and pardon me while I put my cell phone on hold and go throw up.

Trying to hold back my tears, I listened to the rest of what she had to say.

"Tracey, we have assessed you as having a 1 in 230 risk of your baby having Down Syndrome. However, this does put you at a less than 1% chance that the baby will in fact have Down Syndrome, but we recommend you coming in for a
Level II ultrasound for further risk assessment."

I will do whatever is in this baby's best interest Miss Genetic Counselor. By the way, what was the cut off for me to have been considered Screen Negative?

"Well, Tracey, you would have had to have been assessed at having a 1 in 250 risk ratio. So you are really not that far off."

Close, but no cigar then huh, Miss Genetic Counselor?

I hung up and called my husband and then the tears started to flow. He reassured me that this news was not all doom and gloom, and for me to try and look at it this way...

If he filled a glass jar with 230 pennies and painted one of them with a red dot on it, then blindfolded me and asked me to reach in a pull out just one penny, what are the chances that I would in fact pull out the penny with the red dot on it?

Bless my husband's heart...I guess that did help a little.

Our Level II Ultrasound is scheduled for next Wednesday at 7:40 a.m. (CST).

Dear Heavenly Father, I am once again asking you to continue to keep me and this precious babe cradled in your arms as you have been doing all along. I cannot walk this journey with out you dear Saviour. Please help me to be strong and faithful and without fear. Amen.


A said...

I'll say your prayer with you.
Pray everything works out just fine.
Stay positive.
God Bless,

Anonymous said...

Trust in the Lord thy God with all thine heart and lean not to your own understanding.

Praying your will have a wonderfully healthly baby.

Ali Garrett said...

I pray for you every day and will continue to do so! Stay positive and keep trusting in God! Love you!

Lorrie S said...


I want you to know that I am thinking & praying for you and little speck. Don't think that because of my trials right now I am not. Your baby means the world to me and so do you.

Love you xoxox


Angela said...

Oh Tracey, I'm sorry you have to wait to find out these results. Everything is in God's hands and He will give you strength to handle the outcome! I think your husband gave an excellent example with the pennies and jar- hang in there! That is your little precious baby growing in there either way, I know you have so much love for him or her no matter what the results say. *hugs*