Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hope You Didn't Forget About Me?

Hello, Hello, Hello!

I know it's been awhile since I last posted, but I trust you understand and didn't forget about me.

Life with a new baby in the house has been a whirlwind! In one way we are starting all over again and in another way, it feels like old hat.

Either way, we are absolutely enjoying every single minute we have with this precious miracle baby.

God has truly blessed me with two wonderful and beautiful boys to love.

Just take a look:

Colton blue Hat 3 weeks Blog

Colton 3 months med blog

RJ Big Brother Med Blog

Quick update...

I was able to stay home with Colton for 12 weeks. Yes, 12 weeks! My Aunt from New Jersey stayed with us for the first 6 weeks and she was a HUGE help and such great company too.

During the first week of September, I returned back to work full-time and I am so thankful that my Mom & Dad offered to take care of Colton through the end of December. They did this when my oldest son was a baby too and once again, it has been a God send. They are loving the one-on-one time they get to spend with their grandson, and I am loving the fact that he will be older when he starts daycare in January. Nothing (and I mean nothing) warms a heart more than seeing your child's face light up and smile when he sees his Mimi and Boppa in the morning!

He growing more and more every single day, and time is surely flying by!

Here's a rundown on his current stats and other tidbits:

Current Age: 4 months old

Weight: 14 lbs 15 oz
Length: 24 inches

Diaper: Size 2 - Pampers fit him the best
Clothing: Wearing 3-6 month and 6-month

Formula: He started out on Similac Alimentum (but he was spitting up waaaaaay too much). Then the laid back and non-fussy baby I blogged about right after he was born turned into colic baby...EEEK! Shortly thereafter he was diagnosed with acid reflux and given Zantac 2x a did the trick, and thus our laid back and non-fussy baby returned...YIPPEEE!!! He was switched to Similac Isomil Advance Soy, but guess who's cabinet was full of the most recent recalled formula?!! Grrrr!!!! So now he is on Enfamil ProSobee Lipil and he hasn't skipped a beat.

Amount: He takes 6 oz. every 4 hours. We use Dr. Brown's bottles and put a dropperful of Mylicon drops in each bottle.

Sleeping Habits: He takes an early morning nap (lasts anywhere from 45 minutes to an an hour), then he takes a much longer afternoon nap (2 to 3 1/2 hours), he takes an early evening cat nap (about 30 to 45 minutes), and then he goes to bed for the night (usually between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.) and he sleeps until about 5:00 a.m.

What He's Doing: He sleeps in his crib, smiles, giggles, grabs and holds onto things, coos & babbles, he only cries when he is extremely tired or hungry, he puts weight on his feet when held to standing position, his head and neck are getting stronger and not so wobbly, he recognizes familiar voices and faces, especially mommy and daddy, he looks in a mirror and smiles at himself, he especially loves it when his big brother talks to him, he can sit with help/back support, he takes a pacifier and he soothes himself with his thumb (when he can find it and get it where he wants it to!), when placed on his tummy, he can lift his head up and support himself (for a short time) on his staightened arms, and he is starting to make drool bubbles.

Well, that's about all I can think of right now. I promise I'll be back soon.

In the meantime, God Bless!

**The beautiful pictures of my boys were taken by this wonderful photographer: Suzanne Williams


Lorrie S said...

I'm glad to read the rundown! Even though we talk almost everyday or so, it's nice to read ALL in the ins & outs of little baby Coltons progression. He's such a cutie!

Looking forward to more COLTON updates! :D

Love ya!

Ali Garrett said...

I'm so glad to see an updated post! Colton and R.J. are precious, and I love reading about Colton's progress!

Sarah McM said...

I ADORE the pictures!! He is so so so cute. Sorry to hear about the colicky stage, but so glad to hear it all got worked out and chill baby has returned.

Kristi said...

What a wonderful summary of Squeaker. I know I have to quit calling him that, but I just love it! He sounds just perfect and I love the drool bubbles!