Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Yep, it's official, I've got 'em.

C-A-N-K-L-E-S !

You know, it's where your calf merges with your foot and all ankle resemblance is totally gone.


So, until further notice, you can just call me Puff Mama or P. Mama for short.

I'm sure the name change won't garner me as much notoriety as it did for Sean Combs a.k.a. Puff Daddy a.k.a. P. Diddy, but it will certainly get the point across nonetheless.

I mean, c'mon now, even my darn toes are swollen!

Actually, I think the proper medical term for this puffiness is edema, but as far as I'm concerned the proper word for it should be "UGH!"

On the bright side though, I am beginning my 8th month and I've only got 6 more weeks to go until my scheduled c-section, so pretty soon my belly is going to be so big that I won't even be able to see how swollen my feet/ankles really are...LOL!

Oh, and another positive...it gives me a great excuse to wear slippers to my baby shower this Saturday! ;0)


Lorrie S said...

LOL! You crack me up g/f! Love you and your C-A-N-K-L-E-S!

I can't wait to see some pics from your shower this weekend! So much fun, wish I could be there!




Tracey, Happy Mothers Day. Hope you are feeling great and had a perfect day. Blessings,