Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Presenting...The Nursery!

First things big baby shower was this past Saturday and it was great!

Not sure if it was the excitement or the stress of having a party, but I also wound up having some pretty strong Braxton Hicks contractions that night as well. It was a little scary, but all is well.

Anyway, back to the shower...I got so many wonderful things and I am still overwhelmed by the love of my family and friends.

I cannot wait to post pics from the festivities, but you all will have to wait a bit longer on those.

A friend of mine was nice enough to take pictures for me, but I haven't gotten them yet.

In the meantime, I thought I'd share the nursery pictures with you.

It's finally all done.

I still have some last minute putting stuff in drawers and such, but for all intents and purposes, this sweet little man's room is just missing one thing...HIM!

We are really pleased with the way it came out. For those wondering, the theme is Sports Fan by Cocalo Kids.

The name letters I got on eBay and same for the switch and outlet covers. I really lucked out with those items as they go perfectly.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy just to see this nursery all set up and waiting for our precious son!


Anonymous said...

Colton's Room is gorgeous. LOOK WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE FOR YOU! For He grace you to bring forth little Colton into this world. You are blessed and I am so happy for you. Love you Much!


Tracey, Thank You for taking your time to write me and all your prayers. It means alot.

I saw the blog title and had to scroll down even before reading the post to see your room:) I LOVE it. You did such a great job on everything.

Hope the contractions have stopped. They are not fun to have early. Only 7 weeks left, You are so close. Hope you are feeling better.

Not sure if I shared my idea about gift bags or not? I buy gift bags for all of my children when we are having a new baby. I take the gift bags to the hospital with me and give them each their bags when they visit. We buy small things, DVDs, Small toys, Drinks, Snacks etc. It makes them feel special to get a gift:) Are you all packed yet? Many Blessings my friend, Audrey

Kami said...

Holy cow Tracey!!!! It is an amazing room!!! You did a fantastic job momma!!! I love it!
