Sunday, June 19, 2011

Good News and Bad News

I had some surprisingly good news on Thursday.

One of the gals I have come to “know” (although we’d never met in real life) from a trying to conceive site I joined over 4 years ago, texted me and said that she and her family were driving through Montgomery on their way to their new house in Florida.

I texted back and asked if they had time to stop by my workplace on their way and she said, “Yes, we’ll be there in about 20 minutes.”

I was so excited because she is part of a group (there’s about 9 of us gals in total including myself) that I have grown so very close to online and the thought of being able to finally see her was almost too good to be true.

I couldn’t wait to give her a hug...IN PERSON!

What’s ironic is that she also has two boys and her oldest is my oldest son’s age and her youngest son is named, yep, you guessed it...Colton (just like my youngest) and his birthday is only one day before my Colton’s, but a year earlier.

Add more irony…her husband is in the Air Force and mine is too, but reserves, while her husband is full-time.

So here you have it…Kristen and me…up close and personal!

And here’s us with her oldest son, Dakota (her sweet Colton was a bit shy and opted to stay in the car).

We enjoyed standing there in the street next to their car and their moving truck, just chatting up a storm, when my cell phone (which had been vibrating in my pocket), did so again for the third time in a row and I finally decided to answer it.

It was my hubby who had been trying to contact me because the daycare called and said that Colton was running a fever and a rash had sprung up on his chest and groin area.

Well, needless to say, my child emergency ended our long-awaited chat and I had to hug Kristen once again and say good-bye as they headed on their way to their new home and I headed on my way to the daycare to pick up my babe.

Thankfully, the pediatrician’s office was able to squeeze me in.

Fever, check.

Rash, check.

Red throat, check.

Cough, check.

Strep test...positive, check!

So, there you have it…the bad news…Colton has strep throat, poor little guy.

He crashed when we got home from the doctor's office that afternoon.

Ever since then we’ve been treating him with antibiotic, fever reducer and Pedialyte (because he’d been throwing up) and today (Saturday) he’s starting to act a bit more like himself although he had a very rough, non-sleeping night last night.

The rash although, has spread to his arms and legs and it looks and feels like pink chicken skin. Hopefully, this will clear up in the upcoming week especially since we have is one year photo shoot on Saturday.

Thankfully, it doesn’t seem as if it’s itching him at all so that’s a blessing.

Speaking of blessings…my friend Ali, the mommy of baby Fitz, who I told you about here.

Well, she texted me yesterday and said that Fitz was being released from the hospital and they were headed home!

Please continue to keep them in your prayers as they get adjusted to being home as a family and having Fitz in their care.


And a great big HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all the daddy’s, granddaddy's, stepdaddy's, and those who are like daddy's out there too!


Lorrie S said...

Awwww I love that you got to meet up with Kristen!!!! Love the pics! :) (even though I got to see them first hand via text ;-) when she was there) hehe

I hope little baby Colton is doing better today. What a cute pic of him sleeping. Poor little guy.

HUGS & KISSES from Aunt Lorrie

Ali G. said...

Thank you for all of your prayers! I'm praying Colton feels better soon! And I loved the 2 a.m. comment on my blog, ha! Love you!