Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's Official...

We've definitely raised a Southern boy...

R.J.'s first time hunting and shooting a rifle (.223) was this past weekend. 

He grazed (whatever that means) a doe.  

My husband said that was not bad at all for his first time.  

All I envisioned was Bambi's mom limping away back into the woods, and I must say it it made me sad.

As a momma, I am still not sure how I feel about all of this, but my son and my husband had a wonderful, fun time together and that's all that matters.

Funny thing is...my husband is not a "hunter".  

Yes, he's been a few times in his life, and he can definitely shoot a gun, but as far as being a die hard, hunting gear, go every weekend kind of guy - - that he certainly is NOT.

So, I was a bit surprised when this past Friday night rolled around and he told me that a coworker friend of his had invited R.J. and him to go hunting for the weekend.


Me:  "Um, okay honey, but your son doesn't even own a pair of boots, let alone any hunting clothes."

Hubby:  "That's no big deal, just pack him some long johns, a heavy jacket, warm socks and clothes, and he'll be fine.  By the way, we'll be spending the night at my co-worker's hunting lodge trailer(s)."

Truth be told, I was a nervous wreck until they both got back home safe and sound (and very dirty and very tired). 

Come to find out there was no running water in the hunting trailers either.  Ewww!

On a different note, this weekend solidified that fact that Colton is FOR SURE a total momma’s boy!  

While Michael and R.J. were gone he was a complete dream child (because he had me all to himself).  


The minute Michael and R.J. came home he reverted back to whiny, needy mode…LOL!!!  

Seriously, that little stinker is jealous of me diverting my attention to anyone, but him!  

Hoping this is just a clingy toddler stage sort of thing because trust me, it really wears me down sometimes.  

Don't get me wrong, I love my boys (all three of them) and wouldn’t trade them for the world!

But, you know what???

I'm looking forward to the day when my hubby says, "Hon, I'm taking both the boys to do so-and so with me, and we're spending the night." 

Mommy me time, here I come...SAH-WHEET!!!!

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