And I'm so glad we took the leap.
Since Thanksgiving we have had doctor's visit after doctor's visit dealing with and trying to combat ear infections and the nasty cold symptoms that come with them.
And, if I had to take a non-doctor's educated guess, we've been dealing with the SAME recurrent ear infection(s) since that time and NO ANTIBIOTIC ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH has been bully enough to knock it out.
Now, let me just say that we are no stranger to ear infections. My oldest got them and in fact, what child in daycare doesn't get one (or more)?
Just get out your wet noodles and slap me silly...eight ear infections in less than 5 months?!
That ain't normal my friends!!!
And I must add that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE our pediatrician, but somehow this time around with baby #2, I just did not feel comfortable with the conservative, "It happens all the time in children under age 2 and as he gets older and builds up more immunity these ear infections should no longer be a problem. Let's try a different antibiotic this time."
Ah, no.
How many more antibiotics were we gonna try? We did Amoxicillin, we did Suprax, we did Septra, we did _______________________ (fill in the blank).
Seriously, fill it in, I am sure we tried that!
So, after convincing my hubby that we really needed to get another opinion - - as in..."Michael, we need to get our baby to an ear, nose and throat guy A-SAP!" - - there we were in our local ENT's office about 2 weeks ago.
Guess what?
It did not take long (about a milli-second really) to determine that Colton was INDEED a prime candidate for ear tubes...just like Mommy thought :-)
And yes, yes, yes, I know that ear tubes are not always the answer, but seriously folks, we had to give this babe some relief.
Hopefully, the tubes will do the trick, but just like most things, I guess only time will tell.
Anyway, we left the ENT's office with a surgery date of April 8 (which was 3 weeks from the date of our initial visit) along with a proviso that if it looked like Colton would not be able to hold out that long, I could call and see if the surgery nurse could slip us in earlier.
We did Colton's surgery yesterday, March 25th, so you can figure out what wound up happening (wink).
And the day went like this...
Mommy and Colton Heading into the Surgery Center at
O'dark Thirty in the Morning!
Yep, we're both still sleepy...can't you tell?!
Fox News Must've Been Showing Something Really Captivating on the Waiting Area Television
Talk About Mirror Image?!
Nurse Mattie Checking Vitals and Colton Helping Her Out
(see him holding onto the stethoscope?! LOL!)
It's Official...He's a Patient
Colton Investigating His New Jammie Accessory
Vitals, check. I.D. Bracelet, check. Pacifier, check.
So What's Next?
You Gotta' Sweet Smile Nurse Lady, but Let Me Double Check
Your Badge Before You Take Me Away To Some Cold Surgery Room
Sure Recovery Nurse Dude, You're Smiling...
After All, It Wasn't Your Ears They Fiddled With!
Need to tell you all...Brandon (the recovery nurse dude) told Michael and I that he had never seen a baby as young as Colton come out of anesthesia without crying or screaming or flailing. He said that Colton did not shed a tear or make a sound...just woke up with a little grin and grabbed his finger. [Insert Here - proud parents and a heart melt too!]
Safely Back in the Arms of Mommy!
After 10 Hours With No Food - - This Bottle Tastes GREAT!
Let's Go Home...I'm Done With All This Surgery Stuff!
After A Few Hours Nap, Food, a Diaper and Clothing Change...
Look Who's Feeling So Much Better!
So my blogger friends, there you have it. Never would I have thought that the word "tubes" would hold so much significance for me and for my son...for two TOTALLY different reasons of course (LOL!)