Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tell Me Tuesdays, Chapter 8

I am a chocolate L-O-V-E-R!

I even had a chocolate wedding cake (back before chocolate wedding cakes were the “in” thing to do).

In fact, if there was an “Eat All The Chocolate You Want Everyday And Still Lose Weight Diet”, I would be its spokesperson…for free.

Just give me a Hershey bar and an infomercial set-up and I’m there!

Actually, speaking of diets, I am a complete sucker for any type of chocolate weight loss food.

Got a Weight Watchers chocolate snack cake, I’ll take it. What? A chocolate cherry almond Fiber One Bar…gimmee two boxes. No way, a Skinny Cow low fat chocolate ice cream sandwich! OMG, let me clear a few shelves in my freezer!!!

There’s only one problem…I think you are only supposed to eat one of those at a time…LOL!

Seriously, I am not a person who can say "No" when it comes to a hunk of sweet brown goodness. Let me at it I say. Sort of like the chick in this photo:

My friends laugh at me because they know that if a restaurant or conference meal doesn’t have anything chocolate to offer, I’m not down for it.

You can keep your lemon filled, banana flavored, peach cobblered, white cake desserts all to yourself. Just point me in the direction of a snack machine with a Kit Kat or a Snickers and I’m good to go.

Want to know something funny? My son, the love of my life, does NOT LIKE chocolate. Yes, you read that correctly, my own flesh and blood does not share the same liking that I have.

Ironically, I think that perhaps I created his dislike…unintentionally of course. You see, I was one of those moms who did not let him eat many sweets while he was a baby/early toddler. In fact, I think the first time he even tried chocolate was when he was almost 3 years old. I guess going so long without having tasted that luscious delicacy left a permanent imprint on his taste buds.

Every now and then some chocolate slips by him and he’s totally okay with it. Like the chips in mint chocolate chip ice cream, or a Wendy’s frosty. But as far as him clamoring for a slice of chocolate birthday cake or reaching for a chocolate cupcake…nope, it ain’t gonna happen.

Oh, and he thinks Halloween Trick-Or-Treating is cool, but not for the chocolate and/or candy part of it. He just likes dressing up and ringing the door bells. In fact, he doesn’t even eat the candy he gets. He just likes to see the amount he can rack up. But, as far as gobbling it up, eh, well, he’d rather watch a Sponge Bob Square Pants marathon on Nickelodeon.

As for me, well, just let me at that pumpkin bucket and I’ll have all the chocolate sorted out, lined up and ready for consumption in no time!

Here are some of my favorites (just a few to say the least):

~ Black Forest Cake (homemade by my Mom)
~ Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream
~ Butterfingers
~ Double Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies
~ Sonic Chocolate Shakes
~ Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate Mix

What about you? Do you love chocolate or some other sweet delicacy? Are you a vanilla or chocolate ice cream eater? Maybe you like both. It’s Tell Me Tuesdays so c’mon now readers…let me know. HINT...that's what the comment section is for. ;0)


Lorrie S said...

LOL!!! You crazy girl!! Well I must say we are NOT sista's in that department. I'm not a chocolate fan at all! Give me a bag of UTZ Vinegar chips and don't talk to me til I've relished myself sick!! lol

Ali Garrett said...

I also LOVE chocolate! I love to mix it with something salty when I can, too. On Labor Day, John and I went shopping, and we found something really yummy at World Market. It's a Sea Salt chocolate bar and it was so delicious! It was dark chocolate with sea salt in it, salty and sweet together!