Friday, September 4, 2009

My Hero

Faster than a speeding bullet.

More powerful than a locomotive.

Able to swim past a cervix and through a fallopian tube in a single lap.

Look up in the uterus.

It’s a bird, it’s a plane.



Super Sperm!

Seriously, if my husband could go around wearing this costume and not get ridiculous looks, I swear it would be his official attire every time we do an IUI.

We do not have any male factor issues in addition to my secondary infertility issues, so every time we get the semen analysis results from his sperm washes he walks around puffing out his chest proud as a peacock.

Almost as if instinctively any man that crosses his path should give him a high five or bow in awe at His Royal Sperminess.

I do have to give him credit though. He has never one time complained about having to do his business in relatively unfamiliar surroundings and then walk back into a day lab's waiting room with paper bag in hand for all to see.

Bless his heart!*

And he definitely recognizes we are in this trying to conceive thing together.

He always goes with me and stays in the room while I get my IUI done.

In addition to his presence, he lends his support and encouragement. He lets me know I am not going through this alone, and I love him for that.

So, now that this month’s IUI has been done, I am embarking on my two week wait. That's the wait (in days) before I can do an official pregnancy test.

Oh, sure, I can do one before then, but since the trigger shot I took yesterday contains that same “hormone” that is prevalent in your urine when you really are pregnant, “officially” testing before the two week mark will only give me a false positive since the trigger shot will still be in my system.

Although I must admit that seeing two pink lines (albeit trigger induced) certainly does bring a smile to my face nevertheless.

So folks, there you have it. Let the countdown begin.

Please say an extra prayer for me this month.

In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend!

God Bless!

*For those of you who are not familiar...this is a very southern saying which is sort of the equivalent to saying "Poor Thing" or "How Sweet" (depending on the circumstances and context in which it is being said)...LOL!


Kami said...

Your hubby is the cutest thing in the world. As a family from Kentucky, I fully understand and say bless his heart. LOL

I will be praying super hard for you honey. You better believe it!


Ali Garrett said...

Although sometimes you say "bless his heart" in a bad way, too. This is for yankee info, as in, "Look at that outfit! Bless her heart!" But we know you don't mean it that way, Tracey!


We say Bless his/her/their heart all the time. I pray this is your month. So on what day can you test? Love the post and the fun pic:)