Monday, August 3, 2009

Back To School

School starts in last than a week!

Must go and buy last minute school supplies!

Must go and buy school clothes!

Must go and buy school shoes (aha, a real excuse to go to the shoe store…LOL!)!

Must beg all of my blogger friends for donations to pay for all of the above! (Just kidding)

Seems like the summer just began. Where did it go?

Growing up in the north, we didn't start school until after Labor Day (in fact, I thought that was how it was everywhere). Here in the Heart of Dixie...not so.

I've come to find out that in Alabama the whole issue of when to start school is a very sensitive one. So much so that believe it or not, this issue has even been fought out at our state legislature.

The education community feels that setting a school calendar is a decision best left up to individual school systems and their local communities. The tourist industry feels that starting school any earlier than Labor Day cuts into the state's sales and lodging tax revenues...revenues that ultimately are used for education, but in their opinion, wind up being considerably less than they should be because the summers are cut short due to an earlier school start date.

So far, the education community has won the fight, but the battle no doubt will continue when the next legislative session begins. Me, just tell me what day you want my child to be there for the first day of school and we'll be there.

I can still remember last year so clearly and his very first day of kindergarten. I had been talking up "big boy" school all summer long and how great is was going to be. We had gone to the orientation, knew who is teacher was going to be and even saw his classroom. I thought to myself, "This is going to be a breeze. I won't even shed a tear when he goes to school. I mean, after all, he has been in day care since he was 9 months old."

WOW, did I ever get a shocker!

That first day of school came and R.J. took his place outside of his classroom waiting to go in. We gave him a big hug and kiss and told him how proud we were of him, not to worry or be afraid, and to have a great day. He said, "Okay, I'll see you guys later." With that, I rounded the corner and burst into tears. I remember the principal putting her arm around me and telling me everything would be fine.

Sure, it'll be a breeze - - my foot...LOL!

You would think that because we have already done the first day of kindergarten thing I wouldn't be nervous or anxious about it. Besides, I should be more nervous and anxious about my medical procedure that I am having done tomorrow, right? But, no...instead, I am already anticipating the melancholoy I am going to feel next Monday when once again my son is dropped off for his first day of school.

I know, I know, we are moving onto the next stage...first grade. It's a natural progression. It's just that sometimes I feel like the years are slipping away so fast, and I know I can't stop it from happening. Neither should I want to. But I do...he's my baby after all.

So in just six short days from now, we'll be there to witness this next milestone in my son's life. And by we'll, I mean, Me, Michael, my Mom and my Dad (Mimi and Boppa to R.J.). Together, we will all be there to give him hugs, watch him wave goodbye and happily walk into his classroom. Then, I will turn the corner, burst into tears and wonder who I can call at the Chamber of Commerce and tell them I want to sign on for helping to delay the start of school next year...LOL!


Brigetta Schwaiger said...

Just Hopping by- I need donations too. I love back to school shopping with my boys though.

Amy said...

Here in South Dakota we start school on the 19th. Still too early, but the kids seem to be ready to go back. I am sending one to first grade this year, too. I am wondering if it will be any easier. I hope so, but her big sister is moving to a different school so I think it will be hard to leave her by herself.