Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Let's Talk...

Theme for the day…discharge.

Sorry if it’s too much information for you, but by now if you've been reading my blog you know I am pretty much a right-to-the-point sort of chick.

Okay, okay, I guess I can call it whatever politically correct word you want me to, i.e. leakage, wetness,
leukorrhea, etc. but whatever it’s called, it’s a nuisance and a scare all rolled into one.

Nuisance not only because it requires me to change my panties on timed intervals, but also because it has the consistency of wallpaper paste albeit a tad bit more watery.

So, instead of being able to celebrate the fact that my good ole’ relative Auntie Flow is on a 40-week vacation, I still have to dig into my “monthly” stash to catch this progesterone induced gunk.

Why is it a scare you ask???

Because with every awareness of some sort of dribble “down there” it’s like starting me off at a track meet…3, 2, 1, gunshot - - I’m off…to the bathroom that is.

Yep, off I go running to the potty, and with my eyes closed and a quick prayer said, I glance down (first one eye open, then the other) hoping not to see any type of "colored" stuff a.k.a. blood.

At this point you all might be saying, "But Tracey, you are half-way through your pregnancy, surely you aren't afraid of bleeding at this point?"

Well to be completely honest, I guess my early on spotting/bleeding episodes during this pregnancy still have me a bit freaked out. And, while I know that “spotting” (and perhaps even light bleeding) is completely common and/or normal at some point during pregnancy (especially early on), personally, at this point, the more wallpaper gunky, the better.

So, girls, it looks like I won’t be avoiding the feminine hygiene aisle just quite yet!

Bring on the panty liners!!

1 comment:


Tracey, I have missed you. I know what it is like to be nervous and always check toilet paper. I am doing that right now. Hope you are having a great weekend. Blessings,